Welcome to the Crimson Permanent Assurance!
Here at the Crimson Permanent Assurance we take our fun very seriously, and ourselves not-so-much.
Things to come on this site:
1.) Plans for the base!
2.) Plans for Task Forces!
3.) Plans for more Plans!
4.) Fruitbats, fruitcakes and other fruity goodness!
As you can see I take this sort of thing with the utter most solemnity.
If you are a member of the Crimson Permanent Assurance, and wish to be able to create posts on this blog, please email me:
armoredarrow at yahoo dot com
(written this way to fool the spammerz)
We'll work on setting you set up as an authentic registered posting-type person!
If you wish to post comments, all you need to do is to create a Blogger account and you can comment to your heart's content.
I only ask that use one of your character names as your posting ID so we all can recognize you easily.
At 10/30/2006,
Ruin said…
Ahoy Yee mate'ies..This is Ruin, aka, Capt. MeatPlow. I'm so looking forward to beating the tar out of things for you here! Currently I made Sky Ronin a ice elec blaster that I am having great blastage fun with, but I will be working on MeatPlow for the stone goodness and wonderful fire fun. Tx for making us a site. Tis the holiday, so happy candy day to one and all.. eat happy and sassy, and make sure to floss!
At 11/01/2006,
Armored Arrow said…
RRRRRrrrrrrr, welcome aboard matey. Here's yer eyepatch, here's yeeeer swwwwoorrrrd.
Thar be plenty 'o' tar for tha beatin' indeed! Now minds the exp-debt, grabs a sail and lets be on our way!
Ok, I promise I shall only answer posts in pirate-speak at most, infrequently. I fear a keel-hauling coming if I go overboard on it.
At 11/02/2006,
Ruin said…
Wow, I smiled at first and then said Thank God..no more pirate speak..what a mix of emotions I had in sucha brief reply. Don't I felt quite that way since my prom night when my date said, "Sure I'll come with you. And no, we wont have sex later." What is a guy to think??? The highs and lows in life...I tell ya.
Sort of reminds me of the fortune teller...she was there and then she was dead. I think she should have had better attacks.
Oh btw, to my experiance with my blaster to date: I'm getting bored. He only works well with teams. Snow globe and I duoed against some zanie clocks (all yellows) and they really packed a whallop! I'm leaning running away skills really good...and this is not like me. Sooooooo I'm a bit challenged to finish this toon without group help. Think this might be my last blaster. I need to hit a higher level to enjoy I guess. Either that or I need to go kill some greys to feel tough.
At 11/02/2006,
Armored Arrow said…
Blasters are, by far, the most difficult archetype to solo. They can't stand up to much and have to rely on their ability to get targets down fast. Difficult at lower levels, but devastating on teams at just about any level once they've grabbed a couple of AoEs.
I'd say only play your blaster when you have a team together that you think can support you well. They are the weakest archetype in terms of sturdiness and innate ability. I never have and never will like Defiance. It's a joke. Having an ability that forces you to teeter on death to be your strongest is .. well.. silly.
As always, play what's fun and what works for you.
At 11/03/2006,
Ruin said…
Tx, think Im gonna tryyyyyy..(sound of nails on chalk board)to stick it out, but group work will be my mainstay for a long time with him. I am so looking forward to thunderstrike and blizzard, but really, after that all I see is debt fest 2007! Defiance..what is that..lol I know I have never seen it. If that is supposed to be the extra bar under my end, it never moves. My Green goes to yellow then red, and the defiance bar never moves. What a joke.
Think Ill stick to controllers, tanks and defenders. I'm still dabbling in scraps. They are another class of damage dealers that are weak on the chin.
At 11/07/2006,
Armored Arrow said…
I'm having an almost opposite experience. My tank is driving me absolutely guano-crazy and my blaster and scrapper seem effortless to level.
Crazy game.
At 11/11/2006,
Mister Gamma said…
Mister Dynamo is a mutant scrapper using claws and regenation as powers i have never used before.
i hope we all have fun together and as my friends can attest i always give my all for the team and the super group.
i like what i see with this fine group of players.
At 11/11/2006,
Mister Gamma said…
A comment about blasters.
My only level 50 is a blaster.Granted, it took a long time to get him to 50. But in my defense i play a large number of toons and types.
i have solo'ed my blaster as much as on teams,in missions and hunting.
i thrilled at the power that blasters control. and once you have AOE's it multiplies tremendously.
once you have enough attack powers you can concentrate on controlling the way you take out foes. I found that you can use tp Foe to winnow large groups of vilians down to managable numbers and often isolate bosses.
Another tactic is using Stealth pool the make it harder for villians to find and hit you.i have saved myself many times by phasing out just before being defeated.
Finally, Once you have access to the epic power pool you can get the force field power pool to put up a repulsive field to keep the villians away from you and the other powers to protect yourself.
So, blasters are great and very versatile, they commnad a lot of power and are very vulnerable.Protect your blaster the best you can. Early on my blaster got defeated quite often and i learned through a few respecs the best combinations of powers to make my level 50 blaster.
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