Crimson Permanent Assurance

[1 result for: Crimson Permanent Assurance] [1-1 of 1 results Next »] [Main Entry: A supergroup on Virtue] [Part of Speech: noun-ish thingie] [Definition: A band of people who beat evil tushie] [Synonyms: amusing, boisterous, convivial, diverting, enjoyable, entertaining, good, lively, merry, pleasant, witty] [Antonyms: unfun, overserious, harsh, boring]

Friday, October 27, 2006

Our Base

My personal philosophy on bases:

You all work hard to earn prestige. I believe it is my duty to make sure that this prestige is frugally spent when there is a concrete gain for the Supergroup. Therefore I will be making the following additions to the base when we have earned enough prestige to afford an addition and manage the rent with ease.

I also believe in working the system to our benefit. You can save a little prestige by waiting until the base is actually shut down to pay the rent. This can stretch out the weeks some between rent cycles and make your hard-earned prestige stretch out a little longer. Do we have to see the nasty base rent overdue notice every time we log in? Yes. Is it worth it to listen to them nag a bit before we pay it? In my opinion, yes. So when you see the nasty warning that base rent is due when you log in, do not fret. It is under control. When you finally cannot get into the base because it is shut down, that's the time to pay the rent.

Now, on with the good stuff... plans for the base!

We currently have a workshop being used for storage. We are holding off on an enhancement table at this point. Once we level up some toons to 50 in the SG who want to use it to store 51+ enhancements and the like, we'll snag one of those.

So what could we use first?

I think teleporters would be nice. In order for us to get two active teleporters we will need...

Energy Room 2x2 - 150,000 prestige
Basic Generator - 225,000 prestige

Control Room 2x2 - 150,000 prestige
Mainframe - 150,000 prestige

Transport Room 2x2 - 150,000 prestige
Tech Teleport - 75,000 prestige
Tech Dimensional Anchors (2) - 10,000 prestige (Perez Park and The Hollows)

So total prestige banked before we buy any of those will need to be over 910,000. We save up a million and we can get it easy. Sounds like a big task, but it's quite attainable. Buying it piecemeal along the way means we end up paying rent for purchased items which aren't adding any service or value. So I think it'd be wise to buy it all at once after we have it in the bank.

Eventually we will add:

Infirmary Room 2x2 which costs 150,000 prestige
Resurrection Chamber which costs 15,000 prestige

Tech Teleport - 75,000 prestige
Tech Dimensional Anchors (2) - 10,000 prestige (Dark Astoria and Crey's Folly)

Enhancement Table - 75,000 prestige

Work Tables - as needed

After all this is done and we are swimming in the prestige and can pay the rent easily, we could add a few perks here and there and decorate the place up a bit.

Any thoughts, questions, concerns?


  • At 11/01/2006, Blogger Armored Arrow said…

    The nice thing about the teleporters is that they help with both transporting after defeat and they help get us out to hazard zones easily for missions, so it's kind of a 2-for-1 deal. This is particularly nice for Perez and Hollows as those zones can be kind of rough without movement powers.

    The rest of the zones get easier to manage once you hit level 14 and can bop around with more ease as you've probably secured a movement power by then. I didn't explain this point well in the SG base post, but now hopefully my intentions are a little more clear.

    For example:

    I'm in the Hollows minding my own business, sprinting along madly to a level 10 mission and some exceptionally rude level 13 Caliban and his buddies decide that just because they're green, ugly and hopped up on Superadine I would make a nice morning pounding for them. Bam, I'm down for the count. After I'm finished cursing their names I have the following options:

    With a Medbay and Resurrection pad:

    1.) Zone to base
    2.) Zone to Atlas
    3.) Zone to Hollows

    With a Teleporter

    1.) Zone to hospital
    2.) Zone to base
    3.) Zone to Hollows

    Same number of zonings, but with a teleporter we can at least teleport there in the first place.

    Hopefully I've explained that better than I did originally.

  • At 11/02/2006, Blogger Ruin said…

    I think Tp'er's are a great thing. However, as underrated as this might seem, getting a zone Tp to Atlas park is really helpful, as is getting one to PI and Croatoa or Steel (for green line privs) are really the best.

    Why Atlas? Well, to pay the rent when your toon is in Talos, faultline, or Boomtown is always nice. As well as, some Tf's will take you back to Atlas from PI, or Talos. The Shard Tf's will do that. Pocket D is fine for a go between from KR, Talos, and FF, so those zones are basically covered. And from there you can basically get where you want to go easily.
    The Boomtown one is excellent asap if your really not wanting Atlas, however, I'm really stressing as underrated as Atlas might be, really consider it. Boomtown is great as it takes you right by the Hospital, and really close to seraphia, my always 35 SO contact, as I am always magical in origin. not to mention it drops you right by a contact that gives magic origin toons the mission for the Nemesis power staff (level 30-31 mish).
    So, my vote is Atlas, PI, Boomtown and Croatoa for the first two Tp'ers. But, I am sure we will get, what we get, when we get them. And yes, do die alot. lol

  • At 11/02/2006, Blogger Armored Arrow said…

    I think PI is a ways off for us in terms of usefulness. I'm pretty sure we'll end up having about four teleports tops in the base. This will probably end up being one of them in the end.

    I'm actually warming to the idea of a teleporter to Steel though. It gets you to both tram lines and Posi is there. That could be very handy overall. It's the nexus between the high and low zones for the game. Probably would be wise to have one for Steel.

    Atlas would be a nice one for not only paying rent, but an in-between for Perez and Hollows mishies as well.

    Sounds good!

  • At 11/13/2006, Blogger Jesster said…

    Hey Ruin, I think you're talking about Brickstown and not Boomtown, right? Brickstown is where Serafina is... Just checking. :)

    Maybe we want to get one to Faultline sometime too? Sounds like the new Faultline is going to be way cool and worth checking out. With no entrance restrictions, it's a good substitute for mixed-level groups, similar to Croatoa.


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