Crimson Permanent Assurance

[1 result for: Crimson Permanent Assurance] [1-1 of 1 results Next »] [Main Entry: A supergroup on Virtue] [Part of Speech: noun-ish thingie] [Definition: A band of people who beat evil tushie] [Synonyms: amusing, boisterous, convivial, diverting, enjoyable, entertaining, good, lively, merry, pleasant, witty] [Antonyms: unfun, overserious, harsh, boring]

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Base Revamp Complete!

And I'm rather tickled with the results. I think you will be too.

Some unexpected items in the process of creating the base:

1.) I was actually able to place the location markers above each portal. I wasn't sure the base editor was going to allow me to do this, but it did. This makes it easy to figure out which portal is needed by looking up and quickly scanning the portal markers. I also organized the portals such that the city zones are on the left hand side and the hazard zones are on the right. Peregrine had to be placed on the right hand side, as there wasn't room. It's dead last on the right hand side as you enter.

2.) In order to have enough Control to get all the portals working I did have to purchase a Supercomputer. This was unexpected. It was also an extra 800k prestige I didn't anticipate having to spend. Fortunately we had it in the bank. It does mean our prestige dipped below the 500k mark after I did some modest decorating to spruce the place up a bit. We'll have to do a little work to build up again as there are still a few goodies I would like to be able to provide in the base.

Some of these things:

Auto-doc (dispenses smallest greens and blues at contact cost)
Robo-surgery (I believe this lets you resurrect in the base with more health)
Snazzy decor (because you guys deserve the best!)

Auto-doc is dependent on us getting an SG badge for healing but we are making some serious headway on it. All in all these items aren't that expensive. I'm not sure if the Robo-surgery requires a badge yet.. I'll have to do some research into that. I do know that I don't want to spend any more until two things happen. One, I'd like to build up our reserve a bit more. Two, I'd like to see what the devs are going to do about base rent.

3.) Due to the purchase of the Supercomputer I expect that our rent will increase a bit more than I would have liked for the time being. You guys surprised me before by earning all that prestige to be able to afford this base, so I'm confident you guys will rise to the task of maintaining it. Keep in mind that if they bring about the base rent changes on the test this base will be FREE to maintain as it's still on the 8x8 map. I'm honestly considering not upgrading plot size now that we were able to get 16 portals on this map.

4.) I was able to create three salvage bins in the new workshop in order to try to keep things tidy. I currently have it organized left to right. First bin on the left is for dumping salvage that you are contributing towards the cause. The second, or middle bin, is for components that can be used in the workstations to make buffs. The last I am using as a receptacle for special salvage. Currently the Halloween salvage is in there. I've been trying to keep update with keeping raw salvage to a minumum by creating components regularly so we always should have room for people to dump salvage.

Again, thank you all for your efforts in earning prestige for this base. I put some serious research, thought and work into this base with the hope that it makes transport much easier for the SG. Enjoy!

-Armored Arrow
Boreal Tempest
Harmony Blaze
Sigurd the Volsung

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  • At 1/24/2007, Blogger gapey said…

    The base looks awesome! Good job on that. I will definitely start using it a lot more. I guess I will need to update that base map again... I'll try to get to that tonight.

  • At 1/24/2007, Blogger Armored Arrow said…

    Thank you Paula! I'm glad you like it. And if you plan on using it more, then it appears that I accomplished my mission. :) That'll be nice to have that base map updated as well.. thanks!

  • At 1/24/2007, Blogger gapey said…

    Base Map has been updated!

  • At 1/25/2007, Blogger Armored Arrow said…

    Thanks Paula!

    Whoot! The patch notes for today indicate that base rent for us will be going down to ZERO! I believe we'll have to pay it once more and then never again for our plot size.


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