Our schedule
My apologies for our absence from the CPA. We've had a busy spring but things should hopefully be loosening up a bit for the summer. We do have other SGs that we have toons in that need some attention so we've decided to try to split up our time a bit between them.
If you are wondering where we are, here's an evening schedule we are going to try to keep. This should help you to track us down if you have the need:
Monday: Champion {The Biggles} evening
Tuesday: Freedom {TheKnightsWhoSayNi} evening
Wednesday: Virtue {CPA} late evening
Friday: Protector {The Bilateral Commission} evening
If I don't have you on global and you would like that, let me know and we'll get hooked up. For those of you unfamiliar with some of the SGs noted above...
The Biggles: Our silly men-(and women)-in-yellow-and-orange-tights Supergroup on Champion. Very good fun.
TheKnightsWhoSayNi: Our first Supergroup. Excuse me while I get all nostalgic and misty-eyed a second.. *ahem* Ok, all better now. This SG contains my first 50, Necron, my global handle. Originally a collection of friends and relatives it's now a bit on the dormant side as far as SGs go... hopefully this new attention will spark some life back into it.
The Crimson Permanent Assurance: Yeah, I think you guys have a handle on this one. By far the biggest success I've had in an SG in terms of recruitment and prestige. This is the part where y'all get to pat yourselves on the back. We have a pretty wicked base and an incredible amount of prestige in the hold.
The Bilateral Commission: This is a private SG my wife and I started to test ourselves and the devs' statements that bases are attainable by smaller SGs. This SG will remain just two players with moderate play and we'll see what kind of base we can drum up.
Weekends we will be on whatever server the winds have blown us...
-Armored Arrow
If you are wondering where we are, here's an evening schedule we are going to try to keep. This should help you to track us down if you have the need:
Monday: Champion {The Biggles} evening
Tuesday: Freedom {TheKnightsWhoSayNi} evening
Wednesday: Virtue {CPA} late evening
Friday: Protector {The Bilateral Commission} evening
If I don't have you on global and you would like that, let me know and we'll get hooked up. For those of you unfamiliar with some of the SGs noted above...
The Biggles: Our silly men-(and women)-in-yellow-and-orange-tights Supergroup on Champion. Very good fun.
TheKnightsWhoSayNi: Our first Supergroup. Excuse me while I get all nostalgic and misty-eyed a second.. *ahem* Ok, all better now. This SG contains my first 50, Necron, my global handle. Originally a collection of friends and relatives it's now a bit on the dormant side as far as SGs go... hopefully this new attention will spark some life back into it.
The Crimson Permanent Assurance: Yeah, I think you guys have a handle on this one. By far the biggest success I've had in an SG in terms of recruitment and prestige. This is the part where y'all get to pat yourselves on the back. We have a pretty wicked base and an incredible amount of prestige in the hold.
The Bilateral Commission: This is a private SG my wife and I started to test ourselves and the devs' statements that bases are attainable by smaller SGs. This SG will remain just two players with moderate play and we'll see what kind of base we can drum up.
Weekends we will be on whatever server the winds have blown us...
-Armored Arrow
At 5/10/2007,
Ruin said…
EhHemmm..I'm back. Love this (wait..eating a cookie atm...drink milk nowww..all better now it's offically Runied!) Ok..love the IO system, and love the schedule you have posted..'bout time you-all show your sillyness back up. (eats nuther bite of cookie-fresh I baked).
If anyone has questions to how they can cash cow in on their IO's I amsure yo ucan figure it out for yourself, however I am here all week, free of charge. Then at midnight I will be charging 35 million Influence for any word advice..just fyi (lol). Come'on...I actually sold a level 10 IO Enhance-Damage for 2 million on Infinity server yesterday...OMG..should I feel bad that I took advantage of someone? Should I..wait.. bite of cookie...mmmemehgjjnkhoijk..ohh never mind.. their dumb-luck..my fat wallet now..heheh (prances like a donkey..then eats more cookie).
Atom Baron is enjoying the base..keep him well stocked for KBR please..I'll share cookies..maybe. Seriously, I have taken the liberty to mixing things in there to build up more toys for enpowerment buffs for ALL, I don't keep them I mix them and put them in the shelves. Hope that suites all. I'm used to doing it with Gorbin.
It's nice to be part of a SG and not lead it..relaxing a bit.
Stateman Task Force Information...if you want it..I got it..I have run it 7 times and completed it once. It's not that hard, just need the right team: 1-2 tanks, 2-3 blasters, 2 EMPS for sure, 2 debuffers..RAD is esential. Each toon must be complete to it's name sake. if you geta blapper kick him..not worth the crumbs on my chair..ooo is that a chocolate..nvm that..not worth it! if you get a RAD that decided to not get all the debuff powers..send them on their merry way. STORM is good with a RAD but they MUST have freezing rain defense debuff'ed to the hilt, and Snow storm all slowwwwwwwwww..Earth-Storm rocks as well with added defense debuff bonus from earthquake..fyi.
Each AV in the final mission is very very different. Here is the brief skinny: Pull Black Scorpion first if you can. He is easy..simple brute. Hold and kill. Mako is funny..he is a runner who loves to spit water..so funny to see his opening move. He has an AOE that comes every 20 min or so. stay outta his range! It'sa one shotter..sorta like this little cookie in front of me...Yesshhh! Anyway..Ghost Widow...how I love to hate thee...let me count the ways! She runs..she dubuffs, she range AOE heals..she range AOE heals from Phantoms, PA, and anything she can get her silly little dead hands on. YOU MUST range her to death. One tank holds taunt, everyone else blast away. first numbnuts in that range hits her helps her regen...see item Blapper. Scirocco (sp?) LOVE his powers..how I would love to summon the earth as he does. range him to death. Bout all. Lord Recluse: Pull his baddness away from the energy trails and take him on where you did up on the bridge..the energy trails will cut off like bad toilet paper from a port-a-john..so let him have it there. YES he can be pulled don't let anyone tell you differently. It can b hard, so have patience and enjoy the debt you rack up for the debt badge. He will summon like 20 henchmen bosses that easily go down with a blasters nova or whatever..Illusion toons shine or Psi toons shine here as they can perform confusion to use them to attack his leggyness. That is always fun.
Ok nuff said..enjoy..eat some cookies, and cu on the funny pages!
At 5/11/2007,
Ruin said…
Well I beat the STF again..this time with Gorbin. SS/INV does work..with two healers, unlike a stone can make fine with one covering his behind. However, my INV experiance was not poor from all the AV's, just LR..he's tough. otherwise Gorbin can take it.
New rules to STF: As of the newest patch LR can not be pulled any longer to cut the energy trails. So, a team must do this:
Have tank be covered by 1-2 healers (see above note). Then have said tank with healers taunt LR to distance where the rest of team can take out towers (10 feet or so behind towers..not far). Yellow, Red, Green, Blue. Note on the flyer thing: Take this out before the battle begins. You get a badge, but most importantly it spawns baddies to mess with above noted plan. An action to cut tower damage and kill the flyer periodically is required. Keep all team focused to tasks and the TF should roll nice.
Braggart STF time of completion is 1.5 hrs. My experiance is 4 hrs. if it can be done in 1.5 hrs, I would so enjoy that experiance.
Bahdee Bahdee thats all folks.
At 5/14/2007,
gapey said…
Dude that's like the longest comment evar!
At 5/15/2007,
Ruin said…
No more comments for me for a year.
At 5/16/2007,
Armored Arrow said…
hee hee.. Quite the massive comments on this thread. I've messed with the CH's some, but have yet to attempt Statesman's Task Force. Just don't feel the urge to give it a whirl quite yet.
In case any of you are wondering, we haven't quite gotten going on that new schedule posted. Hopefully next week we will be able to settle into it.
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