Crimson Permanent Assurance

[1 result for: Crimson Permanent Assurance] [1-1 of 1 results Next »] [Main Entry: A supergroup on Virtue] [Part of Speech: noun-ish thingie] [Definition: A band of people who beat evil tushie] [Synonyms: amusing, boisterous, convivial, diverting, enjoyable, entertaining, good, lively, merry, pleasant, witty] [Antonyms: unfun, overserious, harsh, boring]

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Because I like lists...

Ever have one of those days where your brain is a mess of jumbled up thoughts and the only way you can make any order of it is to make a list? ... um.. no? k... that's prolly just me then...

1.) The Base

I do like our base. Small, but effective for getting us around Paragon City. We have been banking up more prestige, which I'm taking as a message that people would like to see more, however. Nearly 3 million in the bank and rising in fact. Y'all continue to impress me with your vigilance in earning prestige. If we continue to earn at this rate, I'll have no other choice but to upgrade our plot and add more to it. I'm thinking full blown workshops with all the worktables, just to make our lives easy on the crafting side of things. If we have space beyond that it's all gravy. I think I'd like to make us a grand hall.. a humongous room with no other purpose but to look really cool. More prestige and I'll take that as a mandate that you want to see more from the base... if you prefer to work on influence on your toons, I'll understand that as well.

2.) Coalitions / Teaming

Well, I haven't had the heart to break any coalitions yet, mainly because I haven't found anyone better to replace the ones we have. I've been having a helluva time finding teams on Virtue as of late. I've been brushing my teeth and showering every day, so I'm sure it's not a personal hygiene issue driving people away. Again, if anyone with the big star has been running with people who seem to have their head on straight and would be good to coalition with, set it up. If you don't have the big star, but have some good contacts, get us introduced and we could put together a coalition and see how it goes.

3.) Task Force - Citadel

I still need to snag Citadel on my 33 tank (Sigurd) and I'm thinking this Sunday may be a good day for it. If I can get enough people on board I'll try to start it up around 1 pm Central this Sunday. The TF is for 25+ and you get exp through leveling to 31.

4.) Thanks!

Yeah.. thanks! For sticking it out with The Crimson Permanent Assurance. I know that you all have other toons on other servers that you could be playin'. Your play in the SG is very much appreciated. And don't feel bad if you need to take a break to another server. Heck I do that myself when teaming gets rough or I feel the need for a change. The CPA is quite sturdy and will be waiting for your return.


  • At 3/07/2007, Blogger Igneousdude said…

    for the TF, i could bring my healer, Medibot 3000!

  • At 3/08/2007, Blogger Armored Arrow said…

    That would rock Ig! Hopefully we'll have a boatload of people from SG show up. If not I'm sure we can convince Peachie to pull together a TF team for us. She's scary good at that.

  • At 3/09/2007, Blogger gapey said…

    My weekend is going to be busy. Taking a photography class which is from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Saturday and Sunday. I will be on in the evenings though.


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