I have some concerns regarding our current Coalitions with other Supergroups right now. At bare minimum a good Coalition should get you in touch with members of other Supergroups and get us onto teams easier. I do not see that happening with our current Coalitions.
Over the next few months I am going to be weeding out the weak Coalitions that we have and attempting to add ones that make life easier for everyone in terms of teaming. Over the next few days I'll be reviewing the Coalitions we currently have and be breaking any that I haven't heard from in the past few weeks. We have a finite number of Coalitions we can make and I want them to be useful for all. If anyone feels strongly about a specific Coalition they have made, please try to catch me in the next few days and let me know. I'm open to discussion about them.
If anyone with the appropriate rank in the CPA comes across what appears to be an active Supergroup who has reasonably mature members please engage them about a Coalition. They really can make a huge difference in teaming and atmosphere. It's usually best to approach someone about a Coalition after you have teamed with them a few times. That gives you an idea of their attitude towards play and their frequency of play.
We have a decent base now and aren't dependent on any other Supergroup for base access. We also have what I consider an active SG with members showing up regularly. We deserve to have Coalitions with SGs who do likewise.
Always open to thoughts and opinions...
Armored Arrow
Sigurd the Volsung
Harmony Blaze
Boreal Tempest
At 2/27/2007,
Unknown said…
sounds like an excellent plan. Would be nice to find some teammates without the hazard of an unknown pickup group.
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