Calling all Members...
We are going to do Positron's Task Force this weekend!
When: Sunday November 4th, 1:00 PM Central
Where: Gather in Steel Canyon by Posi
Why: Posi needs us! Oh, and it'll be good exp.. aaaand.. we get a badge too.
How: Well, I expect us to be moving. And grooving. And dancing to the rhythm...
Who: Us! Level 14 and up, sk's may be possible for 11s and 12s.
What?: Task Force, lotsa missions, lotsa beating of tush. You'll like it. Truuuust me.
At 11/03/2006,
Ruin said…
How I would so love to be there and beat that tush that you speak of...but I gotta work. Have fun! No Tf's for me on the weekends..sadly. I am free Mon, Tues, and Wed..just like the rest of America..jeesh..c'mon get with the has weekends off!? jeesh.
At 11/03/2006,
Jesster said…
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, eh? Hmmm, maybe I feel a cold coming on. :)
I'll bring either my emp defender or my tank to the task force, depending on what we need.
At 11/07/2006,
Armored Arrow said…
Thank you to all who participated in the Posi TF! We pulled it off and got the badge for everyone who signed on!
At 11/08/2006,
gapey said…
I'm with ruin sucks for me to do anything on the weekend.
At 11/09/2006,
Jesster said…
Hey Paula and Ruin! If you have a date and time that works for you guys to do a TF, please post about it here--let the SG know. :)
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