Base Update
The teleporter to Boomtown has been changed to Talos. Seems like this should be more useful in the long run for us. Talos is the place to sell quickly and Citadel is there for the fourth task force. Plus Pocket D is there which opens up Founders, KR and Faultline.
I was tinkering with the base last night and found that we won't be able to add another teleporter room, as Control won't permit it. We have maximum auxillary devices currently so we may be maxed out for quite some time. Instead I added another workshop and moved the special worktables there. This is the place where you can take salvage and make self buffs. Any salvage you want to donate to the SG cause can still go in the salvage racks as normal and will be used to make the final set of special worktables.
The base has really grown quickly. Many thanks to all of you who have been diligent about running in prestige mode! Enjoy the portals, medbay and workshops! You've earned them!
At 12/07/2006,
gapey said…
aww man I'm gonna have to update the map already? Good choice on Talos though!
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