Crimson Permanent Assurance

[1 result for: Crimson Permanent Assurance] [1-1 of 1 results Next »] [Main Entry: A supergroup on Virtue] [Part of Speech: noun-ish thingie] [Definition: A band of people who beat evil tushie] [Synonyms: amusing, boisterous, convivial, diverting, enjoyable, entertaining, good, lively, merry, pleasant, witty] [Antonyms: unfun, overserious, harsh, boring]

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Welcome Defiants!

We have coalated with the Flame of Defiants & Defiants SG. Please be nice to them they seem like a nice group of people. I've had the pleasure of teaming with Fayr, an awesome healer, quite a few times over the past week or so. I got a chance to team up with several other SG members of theirs this evening. Aesop, Wylder, Nightblayde, Onah, and America's Eagle. They have a global chat channel called Defiants, if you'd like to join it and chat with them. Or you can always use the coalition chat. We've created a coalition with both of their SG's. Defians and Flame of Defiants. They have a pretty nice looking base too. I think they have all the portals so feel free to use them.

-Selma Soul/Cosmic Rains


  • At 11/13/2006, Blogger Jesster said…

    Great! Looking forward to meeting them.

  • At 11/14/2006, Blogger Armored Arrow said…

    I teamed with them briefly the other day and had a good time with them. Thank you for getting that all set up Paula.

  • At 11/14/2006, Blogger gapey said…

    They seem like a pretty experienced adult group of people. They do like to keep the healers busy though.


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