Crimson Permanent Assurance

[1 result for: Crimson Permanent Assurance] [1-1 of 1 results Next »] [Main Entry: A supergroup on Virtue] [Part of Speech: noun-ish thingie] [Definition: A band of people who beat evil tushie] [Synonyms: amusing, boisterous, convivial, diverting, enjoyable, entertaining, good, lively, merry, pleasant, witty] [Antonyms: unfun, overserious, harsh, boring]

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

That time of the year...

Leaving town to visit the relatives for Thanksgiving. We'll be back Saturday evening. Should be back in game either Saturday evening or Sunday morning.

As always, fabulous job on the prestige. You guys have done a wonderful job staying in SG mode and the base is showing it. I'll keep adding stuff to the base as often as points will allow. I just recently added two new teleporters with four more zones we can reach. I also added some workshop stations where you can make some temporary self buffs from salvage. I used some of the salvage to make some new stations where I believe we'll be able to make some longer lasting self buffs, but I want to wait to add those until we build up more prestige again. Please feel free to tinker with the salvage and self buffs. Leave any salvage you wish to donate to the SG cause in the salvage racks in the base.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday. Take care all.


  • At 11/23/2006, Blogger gapey said…

    I'll be out of game the week of the 27th. Going to North Carolina that week for work.


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